11th August 2017

2015 Symposium: Clouds of Things

‘Clouds of Things: Legal and security considerations at the intersection of Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things (IoT)’ 

Microsoft Cloud Computing Research Centre, 2nd Annual Symposium

26 – 27 October 2015, Cumberland Lodge

What happens when cloud computing intersects with the IoT? Who are the key parties in Clouds of Things, what are their legal relationships, and how can fundamental security and liability issues be identified and managed? These and other issues of vital importance to cloud computing and the Internet of Things were the focus of the 2nd MCCRC Annual Symposium.

Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in small groups consisting of a balanced number of technical and legal experts and moderated by a representative from Cambridge or QMUL. Group participants elected their own representatives to report the group’s findings back to the Plenary Session.

To accompany and facilitate the discussions, the MCCRC research team has produced two academic research papers on the legal and security considerations for cloud-supported Internet of Things and one academic research paper on contracts for IoT. Please see below for more details.


Symposium Research Papers

1. ‘Twenty Legal Considerations for Clouds of Things’
W. Kuan Hon, Christopher Millard, and Jatinder Singh

2. ‘Twenty Security Considerations for cloud-supported Internet of Things
Jatinder Singh, Thomas Pasquier, Jean Bacon, Hajoon Ko, and David Eyers

3. ‘Contracting for the ‘Internet of Things’: Looking into the Nest
Guido Noto La Diega and Ian Walden


Symposium Presentations

KEYNOTE 1: ‘A European Digital Single Market for Cloud Computing, Big Data and the Internet of Things
Mr Tjabbe Bos

KEYNOTE 2: ‘Clouds of Things – Legal Considerations
Professor Christopher Millard and W Kuan Hon

KEYNOTE 3: Cloud – Supported Internet of Things. Some Technical Considerations
Dr Jatinder Singh

PLENARY SESSION: ‘Clouds of Things – IoT Scenarios
Professor Ian Walden